rc and smf

Emiel Kollof coolvibe at hackerheaven.org
Thu Feb 24 07:32:48 PST 2005

Op donderdag 24 februari 2005 07:42, schreef Dan Melomedman:
> Jeroen Ruigrok/asmodai wrote:
> > ObligatorySideComment:
> >
> > DJB software is from a code maintenance point nigh-impossible to
> > maintain.
> Why? He rarely releases updates. Licensing and patch acceptance are a
> different issue.

Have you ever even _read_ DJB's code? It's close to impossible to 

Real software engineers don't debug programs, they verify correctness.
This process doesn't necessarily involve execution of anything on a
computer, except perhaps a Correctness Verification Aid package.
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