386BSD documentation (was: DragonFlyBSD / 386BSD 1.0 - modularity)

Greg 'groggy' Lehey grog at lemis.com
Tue Aug 9 19:16:28 PDT 2005

On Wednesday,  3 August 2005 at 13:46:19 +0200, Michael Schuh wrote:
>>> If you're stomping around in 386BSD, you might find
>>> of interest the 11 articles written by Lynne and
>>> William Jolitz in the January through November 1991
>>> editions of Dr. Dobbs Magazine.  These should be
>>> accessible at most good research libraries. This
>>> series of articles was entitled "Porting Unix to the
>>> 386". Their book and the articles seem somewhat
>>> similarly flavored.
>> Yes, this was in fact my introduction to BSD.  I also bought a very
>> expensive CD-ROM with "386BSD V 1.0" from Dr. Dobbs.  It contains the
>> complete text of the articles in some obsolete Microsoft format.  If
>> anybody's interested, *and if the license permits*, I'll make them
>> available.
> Hmmm, i be very interested, i hops up and down if you can get us these
> stuff.

OK, I've had a look at the CD-ROM, and I really can't make much sense
of the license agreement.  It all depends on how you interpret various
terms such a "software" (provided under the BSD license, but at some
point intended to include the documentation).  I'm not confident
enough to just make the docco available, but if somebody could clarify
the matter (presumably with Lynne Jolitz), I'd be more than happy to
make the documentation available.

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