RELEASE subversion bumped to 1.2.5, DEVELOPMENT subversion bumped to 1.3.3

Jeroen Ruigrok/asmodai asmodai at
Mon Aug 1 00:17:57 PDT 2005

-On [20050801 09:00], Matthew Dillon (dillon at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:
>    I'll change it a little, but I don't really want to put sub-versions
>    on the HTML pages because its yet another thing that would have to be
>    tracked, and I don't want bumping a subversion to become a chore.

Given the changes for 1.2, it is quite worthwhile, no?  Some of these fixes
are real PITAs for users.

But hey, it's your baby. :P

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven <asmodai(at)> / asmodai / kita no mono
Free Tibet! |   |
Necessity relieves us of the ordeal of choice...

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