List of patches

Eirik Nygaard eirikn at
Sun Nov 7 12:59:40 PST 2004

On Sun, Nov 07, 2004 at 09:18:06PM +0100, Douwe Kiela wrote:
> "Simon 'corecode' Schubert" <corecode at xxxxxxxxxxxx> schreef:
> >should be done by parsing the source files and just removing void
> >casts. i'm not experienced, but maybe tendra or lint or something
> >similar could be hacked to determine what is a cast and what not...
> Yeah but I think it's much easier.. Like Matt said here:
> we can remove all the (void) casts.. Eirikn wrote a small perl script that I
> used in a shellscript that removes most of those.. A patch for the bin/
> directory can be found here:

I should never have sent you that oneliner. :-)

Commited with a few changes, some needed void casts were also removed with your
patch. I fixed this. Thanks!

Eirik Nygaard

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