one of recent commits seems to cure memory leak in modlogan (same problem present in freebsd 5.2.1)

Alexander Leidinger reject at
Sun May 30 17:47:24 PDT 2004

On Sun, 30 May 2004 17:58:59 +0200
Toma_ Bor_tnar <tomaz.borstnar at xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hello!
> 	Had problems with modlogan processing semi-big apache logfiles - 

I'm the maintainer of the FreeBSD modlogan port. What does "semi-big"
logfiles mean? I have a ~960M apache logfile and I have no problems
processing it (FreeBSD-current).

A recent modlogan is more memory friendly, and since it uses expat2 it
also depends on changes in expat. Are you sure you haven't noticed some
change in modlogan/expat2?


           I'm available to get hired (preferred in .lu).                       Alexander @
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