
Matthew Dillon dillon at apollo.backplane.com
Sun May 30 09:18:12 PDT 2004

    Lets just call it a 'lively debate'.  apt-get may not be perfect (and
    keep in mind that what I am considering is using the framework, not
    using Debian's packages).  But apt-get is certainly a whole lot better
    then the FreeBSD ports system.

    I think we know that what we want is 'apt-get-like'.  Not necessarily
    apt-get itself, but something that works along the same lines.  

					Matthew Dillon 
					<dillon at xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

:El Sun, 30 May 2004 02:14:53 +0200 Michel Talon <talon at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> escribió:
:> Yes this wonderful mechanism ensures that the so called stable system is 
:> 3 years old, the unstable sytem periodically bombs out, and the testing 
:> system is not much better.  Add to that the perpetual politics nightmare 
:> that the Debian people are so fond of, and you get the present fiasco
:> of the "Sarge release" delayed because it is not free enough ...
:/me smells flamewar.
:Basing about debian will get nowhere, and it does not solve ports' own issues.
:That apt has been a success is a fact. That your friend lost KDE (and well, 
:apt does allow the user to handle those issues and stop/hold updates
:for those given packages so your friend's problem was very probably a 
:strong case of RTFM) is not a reason to forget thousands of happy sysadmins
:that have found in apt a very reliable tool which has been the best package
:system for years (and still it is, altough just in my humble opinion) just
:because "it works". Now things can be improved, certainly. Like in FBSD
:Whatever dfly uses, I'm happy that is being considered by its technical
:merits, and not rejected just because it's GPL, which is certainly a 
:sign of dfly sanity :)
:Diego Calleja

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