Packaging (Re: Goals for first release (June/USENIX))

Rahul Siddharthan rsidd at
Thu Mar 11 17:22:12 PST 2004

>     But I am not 'reserving' the package management subsystem either.  I
>     think it would be an excellent project for a group of developers to
>     undertake.  In fact, you don't even need to have working VFS environments
>     to start building it... a chroot plus unionfs mounts would be
>     plenty sufficient.  And if unionfs is still broken, that is certainly
>     something I can help fix. 

Hm - it looks like unionfs does exactly what I had in mind...

Thanks!  I'll see what I can do (for my own amusement if nothing else,
but hopefully something generally useful)


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