potential fortune entry

James Frazer jfrazer at ieee.org
Tue Mar 2 10:07:44 PST 2004

This reminds me -- is there a particular irc server/channel that most 
DragonFly Developers hang around in?  Or maybe it's top secret.


Robert Garrett wrote:
Robert Garrett wrote:

<coolvibe> Daemons gathered in their masses
<robg> just like hackers at conventions
<coolvibe> evil code that plots destruction
<robg> sorceror of mass construction
<coolvibe> in the fields the coredump's burning
<coolvibe> as the code machine keeps turning
<coolvibe> war daemons :)
<coolvibe> Death and hatred to bugkind.
<coolvibe> poisoning their debugged minds
<coolvibe> oh lord yeah!
forgot this, coolvibe is Emiel Kollof

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