[ANNOUNCE] DragonFly BSD Installer BETA

Ivan Voras ivoras at fer.hr
Mon Jun 21 04:04:03 PDT 2004

Good work!

I've tried it in VMware and it performed without a glitch (though I haven't 
tried any borderline cases :) ). It was a nice touch that it autoconfigured 
DHCP (well, started dhclient). Slice editor was also nice, but I don't seem 
to recall that it had the options to edit newfs parameters?

Other than that, I have only one notable suggestion: that the "main menu" 
(the startup one) layouts the action buttons/options vertically, it looks 
(at least to me) somewhat confusing to see them horizontaly, with jagged 
edges and all.

It's nice to see such user-visible progress :)

Every sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology
   - Arthur C Anticlarke

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