Listing Memory-Resident Executables

Hiten Pandya hmp at
Thu Jun 3 11:41:58 PDT 2004

A few moments ago, I added support for listing resident executables by
running resident(8) with the '-l' flag:
    # resident /usr/bin/d*
    # resident -l
    Id      Executable                      Size            Address
    1       /usr/bin/dc                     30300           0x2805152c
    2       /usr/bin/dialog                 8612            0x2804c52c
    3       /usr/bin/diff                   57792           0x2805852c
    4       /usr/bin/diff3                  17472           0x2804e52c
    5       /usr/bin/dig                    1138704         0x2815b52c
    6       /usr/bin/dirname                3328            0x2804b52c
    7       /usr/bin/dnssec-keygen          315628          0x2809552c
    8       /usr/bin/dnssec-makekeyset      913284          0x2812652c
    9       /usr/bin/dnssec-signkey         913540          0x2812652c
    10      /usr/bin/dnssec-signzone        933920          0x2812b52c
    11      /usr/bin/doscmd                 172356          0x2806a52c
    12      /usr/bin/du                     8044            0x2804c52c
The 'Executable' column can be expanded later on if really required.

This change will require a buildworld. :-) :-)


				Hiten Pandya
				hmp at xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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