Scheduler patch 03 available for testing

Matthew Dillon dillon at
Sat Jul 24 13:42:06 PDT 2004

:ok, that works ;]
:must say my box is working fine, stream music works while doing
:make -j10 buildworld. ony minor point is that swapping workspaces
:in X is slow when the box is compiling.

     This will depend heavily on how much memory your system has.  Since we
     do not schedule I/O yet, only CPU, any disk intensive activity will 
     interfere with (slow down) paging activity.  So if you don't have a lot
     of memory there are going to be issues.

     Use 'systat -vm 1' or 'vmstat 1' in an xterm to observe paging activity.
     If you aren't paging there could still be a scheduling issue.

     Also note that certain programs, like Mozilla, which can eat a ton of cpu
     for periods of several seconds when loading pages, may still be adversely
     effected by a background buildworld.  This is because it's fairly
     difficult to discern between a cpu-guzzling mozilla and a cpu-guzzling
     compile :-)

					Matthew Dillon 
					<dillon at xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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