A wiki for DragonFly?

Janet Sullivan ciscogeek at bgp4.net
Fri Jul 16 05:57:17 PDT 2004

Einar Karttunen wrote:

Has anyone considered making a wiki or an another kind of 
collaborative documentation system for DragonFly? It would 
be nice to have a good place to write up various tips on 
using and hacking DF.
Depends on how fancy a wiki people want.  I use wiliki already for a 
couple of sites (see bgp4.net for an example).  It's very basic in what 
it can do, but that's actually a strength.  It's easy to learn and 
people seem more willing to update it.  I tried Twiki out, which is more 
complex, and nobody used it.

I'll go ahead and add a DF section to the bgp4.net wiki.  If anyone 
wants to play with it - go for it.

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