Installer RC2 w/ DragonFly RC2

Ivan Voras ivoras at
Thu Jul 8 12:22:45 PDT 2004

This seems a very nice and mature release - I think it's ready for 1.0.

Some notes (non-critical):
- The twirling baton is a very nice touch :)
- The configure options at the end of the installation are nice. Not a 
biggie, but if you have the time, could you please "predict" the home 
directory for the user as "/home/$username"?
- UI request: that the install program remembers on which option the 
user was before he activated it (e.g. if I chose "configure NIC", that 
after I'm finished with the dialog that pops up, it remains the selected 
option in the old dialog window)
- there's still no "disk available/used" notification in the partition 
editor, and no lower limit on partition size, but it seems that it won't 
be made any time soon
- Cycling the installation (starting the installation again after it was 
finished, without reboot) fails on disklabel: "ioctl DIOCSDINFO: open 
partition would move or shrink"

The overall impression is very good!

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