[ANNOUNCE] DragonFly BSD Installer RC1

Erik P. Skaalerud erik at pentadon.com
Thu Jul 1 04:06:17 PDT 2004

small server (snmp?) that reports to broadcast queries? + client for 
Or just a simple client/daemon suite that you can write yourself?
Client just broadcasts on its subnet that its ready to be installed to.
daemon snaps this up and tells the admin "The computer at IP 
XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX says its ready to be installed to."

Can't be any more simple than that.

But of course, someone should think of security options aswell.
Also, a feature I'd like to see is somewhat like Norton Ghost. Let's say 
you have a installer server that all the clients connect to, recieve 
their config from, load it then start installing when the server says 
it's ok to go. The admin would see all the clients installing from his 
browser etc..

Anyone like this idea?


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