questions on upgrading

Erik Paulsen Skaalerud erik at
Sat Jan 31 07:58:43 PST 2004

> I have a machine at work running 4.5. Is it still reasonable to upgrade
> it to 4.8 then migrate it to DragonFly? I don't have physical access to
> the machine right now, and in any event it doesn't have a CD-ROM drive.
> For the other machines I've installed on I've always used one of David's
> ISOs. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Well, DragonFly was a snapshot of FreeBSD 4.8. Going to FreeBSD 4.8 first
and then DragonFly would be the safest bet, not sure how FreeBSD 4.5 ->
DragonFly 1.0 would go.. You could always try?

Anyways, since you are remote, cvsup and building would be the best solution
for safety. If the build breaks you know something is wrong, with binary
upgrades you don't.


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