Committing question

Matthew Dillon dillon at
Fri Jan 23 11:27:38 PST 2004

:Matthew Dillon wrote:
:>     The $DragonFly$ check is done by a custom cvs script, not by the
:>     cvs package, and there are lots of files (primarily in contrib/)
:>     that aren't binaries that we do not wish to require a $DragonFly$
:>     for.  So, CVSROOT/exclude.
:Does the custom script look at the -kb option?  I tried using 'add -kb' when
:I first encountered the errors, with no joy.  

    -kb is a bit dangerous (in that it's easy to specify it for things that
    don't actually need it and then to forget you did that), I would 
    prefer not to use it.

					Matthew Dillon 
					<dillon at xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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