New SiS 645DX issues (Was: Re: SiS 645DX issues)

Jeroen koffieyahoo at
Fri Jan 23 02:41:04 PST 2004

In just downloaded two new snapshots and the problems seem to have become
more serious:

* the 2CSNAP-20040121-2345 snapshot always hangs at the same point as
reported before, even with dma and write caching disabled
* the dfly-20040118 snapshot reacts non-deterministically: sometimes it
boots with dma and write caching disabled, some times it hangs (again at the
same point as reported before)

I do not understand why this happens. The ata code hasn't changed. Moreover,
this means can't attempt any backporting at the moment, as this makes
installing dfly kind of impossible :-(

Jeroen Ketema

PS I didn't change the configuration of my machine

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