Benchmark - 2nd run
Jean-Marc Zucconi
jmz at
Mon Jan 19 17:41:06 PST 2004
>>>>> Matthew Dillon writes:
> If it isn't that it's got to be something else simple-stupid.
> The unusual system times for a user-cpu-bound program would
> explain the horrible results on the other benchmarks.
I have found the origin of the problems with 5.2. The new ACPI code
generates more than 36000 interrupts per second on my hardware. (Asus
P2B-DS). Disabling ACPI improves the 5.2 perfs. Curiously there is not
a big improvement for the lorenz test (now: 24.82 real / 24.80 user /
0.00 sys) but the bytebench benchmark is much closer to the 5.1
Dhrystone 2 without register variables 661362.9 lps
Dhrystone 2 using register variables 661430.8 lps
Arithmetic Test (type = arithoh) 1055234.6 lps
Arithmetic Test (type = register) 91672.9 lps
Arithmetic Test (type = short) 88086.6 lps
Arithmetic Test (type = int) 91662.9 lps
Arithmetic Test (type = long) 91682.2 lps
Arithmetic Test (type = float) 105154.2 lps
Arithmetic Test (type = double) 105242.2 lps
System Call Overhead Test 82300.9 lps
Pipe Throughput Test 78012.8 lps
Pipe-based Context Switching Test 23268.0 lps
Process Creation Test 1517.7 lps
Execl Throughput Test 1371.7 lps
File Read (10 seconds) 181930.0 KBps
File Write (10 seconds) 12033.0 KBps
File Copy (10 seconds) 11905.0 KBps
File Read (30 seconds) 182251.0 KBps
File Write (30 seconds) 11933.0 KBps
File Copy (30 seconds) 11811.0 KBps
C Compiler Test 241.2 lpm
Shell scripts (1 concurrent) 572.2 lpm
Shell scripts (2 concurrent) 324.9 lpm
Shell scripts (4 concurrent) 163.9 lpm
Shell scripts (8 concurrent) 82.0 lpm
Dc: sqrt(2) to 99 decimal places 54949.6 lpm
Recursion Test--Tower of Hanoi 8382.6 lps
Arithmetic Test (type = double) 2541.7 105242.2 41.4
Dhrystone 2 without register variables 22366.3 661362.9 29.6
Execl Throughput Test 16.5 1371.7 83.1
File Copy (30 seconds) 179.0 11811.0 66.0
Pipe-based Context Switching Test 1318.5 23268.0 17.6
Shell scripts (8 concurrent) 4.0 82.0 20.5
SUM of 6 items 258.2
Jean-Marc Zucconi -- PGP Key: finger jmz at xxxxxxxxxxx [KeyID: 400B38E9]
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