Open Source Lab: Beaver Challenge 2004

David Rhodus drhodus at
Tue Feb 3 18:12:36 PST 2004

I do not see any clear specifications that they are testing for
listed on the web site. I've sent an email to the address listed
on the web site and have yet to receive a reply. Until I can
have a clear specification of what the tests would be, I don't
think the project could even consider this. Even if one is listed
I don't think it is worth the resources to "compete" in is little
game. DragonFly is developing the next generation operating
system, not just building hacks upon an existing infrastructure
to gain trivial performance/benchmark gains. We are still in the
process of developing new technologies. Though most of what
has been developed to this point could be considered extremely
fast, but only under specific circumstances. There has not been any
actual performance tuning on the new base technologies at this time.
It would not be fair at this point to try and benchmark DragonFly in
this specific context.

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