Wireless AP troubles

Erik P. Skaalerud erik at pentadon.com
Tue Aug 31 15:32:36 PDT 2004

Walter Venable wrote:
Walter Venable wrote:

I'm trying to set up a Wireless AP with DragonFly 1.1-CURRENT (cvsup'd 

The problem I am having is very strange: the machine contains 3 
network interfaces, 1 is hard wired and goes to the outside world, and 
is called dc0.  Another is a wired card that is hard wired and 
connects to the local network and is called dc1, which has an IP of netmask  The last network interface is the 
wireless card, which is picked up by the wi driver, so it is wi0.  It 
has the network IP of netmask  Here is the 
output of ifconfig:

I wanted to also mention that dmesg is spitting out this error over and 

arp: is on dc1 but got reply from 00:02:2d:57:a3:4a on wi0

To me it really looks like the error is in the bridging but I don't know 
what to do to fix it.
You're not supposed to have a IP on both the wired and the wireless 
interface if you are going to have both the interfaces on the same 
network. Remove the IP from the wireless device, and make sure briding 
is working properly.

- Erik

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