Ridiculous idea: Cache as ramdisk?

ibotty bsd at ibotty.net
Tue Sep 23 09:11:43 PDT 2003

> b) he wants a possibility to retain a specific file in the cache.
>> this can be generalized to the idea, that each file has different
>> buffer-cache priority.
> Would softupdates' snapshot ability approximate this?  i.e. Put a snapshot
> into memory, and then only initial accesses would cause a disk read.  I'm
> relatively sure someone beat me to this thought.

in my little understanding about vfs and vm, this sounds like a good idea
(but i thought snapshots cannot be demand-loaded and -saved)

but as according to matt we are retiring softupdates and snashots anyway, so
few thoughts need to be spend with this idea (be it good or bad is left to
general opinion).


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