sysinstall v2

Richard Coleman richardcoleman at
Wed Sep 3 17:35:44 PDT 2003

As I understand it, Zope's strong point is the sophisticated content 
management that it provides.  Although interesting, I'm not sure if that 
helps much here.  The persistent object model they use does look cool, 
but is probably overkill for this project.

If apache was to be replaced, I would suggest finding a very basic, pure 
Python web server.  Something that is very easy to understand and 
modify.  I'm sure many people here could write one if necessary. 
Although a production web server is a big project, a simple web server 
is actually pretty easy.  It probably wouldn't take more than 300 lines 
of Python (probably much less).

But apache is just fine as well.  Since it's very modular, it's very 
easy to strip down.

Richard Coleman
richardcoleman at xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
cmulcahy at xxxxxxxxx wrote:
At the risk of being flamed...
If a decision has been made to include a python run-time with
the install, the use of one of python's web/application server kits like
zope ( ) or twisted ( : currently moving, 
google probably has cache ) could replace apache/php & dependencies at a 
cost of a a few extra python libraries & scripts( more than a few in the 
case of twisted ).
Both projects seem to have thoughtful and passionate communities, and 
either might be willing to lend a great deal of aid and labor for the 
"halo effect" of building a forward-thinking install base for a cool new 
It might be worth doing so if only because the "orthogonal" elements of 
the the install might greatly benefit from tight interopability later 
down the road for distributed "kick-start" applications or reasons as 
yet unthought of.

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