new sysinstall

Richard Coleman richardcoleman at
Mon Sep 1 16:06:48 PDT 2003

G065363 at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> <20030901144956.GA8023 at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> <200309011613.h81GDt0C099442 at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
In-Reply-To: <200309011613.h81GDt0C099442 at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
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Lines: 22
Message-ID: <3f53d0f9$0$267$415eb37d at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
X-Trace: 1062457593 267
Xref: dragonfly.kernel:837

Matthew Dillon wrote:
>     Tcl/Tk should probably be discarded.  We can't use the X interfacing
>     because, well, it requires X and we are dedicated to a web environment
>     now, and Tcl duplicates enough of PHP4's functionality that if we are
>     going to select any language as the backend to the PHP4 pages I would
>     rather it be an OO language.

I'll through out one other possibility to consider.  Use tcl (not tk) 
together with tclhttpd.  This is a web server written entirely in tcl. 
It is small, modular, easy to extend, and is plenty fast enough for the 
purpose discussed.  It is commonly used for embedding a webserver such 
as this.  If anyone is interested, they should check Brent Welch's book 
for more information on tclhttpd.

And I believe the entire tcl installation, together with tclhttpd is 
smaller than Apache.

That would kill two birds with one stone.

Richard Coleman
richardcoleman at xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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