Fw: new sysinstall
Wesley Moxam
wmoxam at klickit.com
Tue Sep 2 08:00:27 PDT 2003
----- Original Message -----
From: "Matthew Dillon" <dillon at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 12:13 PM
Subject: Re: new sysinstall
> Ruby and Python are still candidates. To be able to choose one (or to
> choose to stick just with PHP4) we need some questions answered:
> * Since we are web based we need persistent storage that is easy to
> access. PHP4 has this. Can we get it with Ruby and/or Python?
Ruby does , persistant storage is made available through the PStore class in
the base library.
require "pstore"
class T
def initialize(val, left=nil, right=nil)
@val, @left, @right = val, left, right
def to_a
[ @val, @left.to_a, @right.to_a ]
store = PStore.new("/tmp/store")
# store some data
store.transaction do
store['names'] = [ 'Douglas', 'Barenberg', 'Meyer' ]
store['tree'] = T.new('top',
T.new('A', T.new('B')),
T.new('C', T.new('D', nil, T.new('E'))))
# now read it back in
store.transaction do
puts "Roots: #{store.roots.join(', ')}"
puts store['names'].join(', ')
puts store['tree'].to_a.inspect
I'm not sure about python, but the newest version of ruby (1.8) has an
intergrated http server library with it makes it easy to write servlet type
apps. Here's a simple servlet:
require 'webrick'
include WEBrick
s = HTTPServer.new( :Port => 2000 )
s.mount_proc("/hello"){|req, res|
res.body = "<HTML>hello world</HTML>"
res['Content-Type'] = "text/html"
}trap("INT"){ s.shutdown }
This way you could eliminate apache as a dependancy.
-- Wes
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