get rid of floppies

Richard Coleman richardcoleman at
Fri Oct 31 11:12:22 PST 2003

One thing to think about before chunking the floppy support is the 
discussion on the FreeBSD-stable list about the transition from Emulated 
El-Torito to Non-emulated El-Torito (or is it the other way around?).

Many of the newer BIOS implementations are supporting only the newer 
type, while the older BIOS only support the older type.  So DFBSD will 
need to either have iso's of each type, or provide a fallback mechanism. 
 Since older machines will generally have floppy, using floppies for 
that fallback mechanism makes a lot of sense.  That seems to be the 
consensus on the FreeBSD-stable list.

Something to think about.

Matthew Dillon wrote:

    Lets get rid of the floppy support:  It should be CD, PXE, or BIOS disk
					Matthew Dillon 
					<dillon at xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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