DragonFly and FBSD 5.1

Soren Schmidt sos at spider.deepcore.dk
Mon Oct 27 13:29:10 PST 2003

It seems Jeroen Ruigrok/asmodai wrote:
> -On [20031027 17:52], Matthew Dillon (dillon at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:
> >   Soren has made a lot of changes between the version we have and the one
> >   in 4.9-RC4, but most seem to be just reorganization.  Yet obviously
> >   something broke.  Perhaps you and Soren can figure out why your disk isn't
> >   working any more in 4.9-RC4 by comparing 4.8-S and 4.9-RC4.  If you do
> >   I'd appreciate a head's up.
> Fixed and committed per Mike's patches in kern/47311 of FreeBSD's PR.

That patch is bogus, it doesn't work.
I've told that over and over on the lists and in several semilar PR's.
For working code, look in -current...


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