Worlds greatest kernel

Nimrod Mesika nimrod-me at
Wed Oct 8 12:38:00 PDT 2003

On Mon, Oct 06, 2003 at 10:57:56PM -0600, Kyle wrote:
> In thinking about what would be the "best" kernel, the following come to
> mind:
. ..
> 5. Protected domain device drivers ( nothing crashes the core kernel
> scheduler or loader unloader )

That would be great *if* the hardware would be designed to support

Right now even if you move drivers to userland (like QNX does, I
believe), a buggy driver (or even buggy hardware) can take the
system down.

A badly formed bus cycle can kill the PCI bus and of course the
hardware never heard of 'protected' memory...

Maybe the high end server machines are designed this way. This
usually violates the principle of pushing all complexity to the
software layer.


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