messaging questions...

David Leimbach leimy2k at
Tue Nov 25 05:38:17 PST 2003

On Nov 25, 2003, at 3:26 AM, Matthew Dillon wrote:

:Cool.. So now that I've actually got DragonFly running and I have the
:source I can happily dig around in the messaging code and write some
:If/when I get around to it would some example code be useful for the
    Another thing came to mind..  I am starting to port the LWKT
    threading and messaging code to userland.  That is part of what
    /usr/src/lib/libcaps is going to be.  Well, really I'm hoping
    that others like Galen will help out and take up the ball, but
    I expect I will still have to do quite a bit (like the assembly
    required) to really get the ball rolling.
I am a capable PC assembly programmer however I didn't do a lot of 32bit
code.  I've actually been looking for a reason to do it again.  Perhaps 
can all work together here and there?  I also thought [as some kernel 
suggests] that the userland threading code would be liblwktxxx or 

    In anycase, looking at this code from the perspective of the
    userland library might make things more apparent to you then 
    at it from the point of view of the kernel, because you won't have
    to read through all the extranious kernel junk wondering which
    pieces actually apply to the threading and messaging and which do 
not :-).
I was mentally pre-processing the _KERNEL ifdefs myself saying "ok... 
can't do that :)"


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