Open Source Mythology --

Bill Huey (hui) billh at
Sun Nov 23 23:49:25 PST 2003

On Sun, Nov 23, 2003 at 10:51:36PM -0800, Matthew Dillon wrote:
> :They are suing Linus Torvalds, they're harassing the entire Linux community
> :because their corporate body can't compete or change with the times. It's
> :the same reason why the BSDs have a substantially minor role in the open
>     SCO is not suing Linus.  They simply Subpoena'd him for information.

Yeah, you're right, I interpreted that gesture as legal harassment, therefore
my brain click and registered that it has to be a lawsuit, which isn't in this
case. Slipped on that.

Ok, no more mailing list for a while. :)


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