Can anyone explain this?

Matthew Dillon dillon at
Sun Nov 16 18:23:39 PST 2003

: (David Rhodus writes)
:Can I just do this inside mpboot.s ? ex.
:ld mattd,1
:inc mattd
:jp drhodus

    This will be sufficient:

1:	nop
	jmp	1b

: (David P. Reese writes)
:I'll go ahead and do this after I find the bug that killed linux-sun-jdk14.
:Consider it penance for the recent bugs introduced in my syscall split
:   David P. Reese, Jr.                                     daver at xxxxxxxxxxxx

    It's important enough that I'd love it if BOTH if you tried to find it,
    since both of you have motherboards which exhibit the behavior.

    I know I screwed up something in the code, somewhere.  I don't know if it
    is in the MP code or not, but it was in the early LWKT days.  There is
    no way to bracket the kernel source to figure out when it happened because
    some major cvs repository munging was done since.

					Matthew Dillon 
					<dillon at xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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