AMD64 impressions (Re: AMD64 box)

Craig Dooley craig at
Fri Nov 7 05:18:41 PST 2003

>     (2) The AMD's syscall overhead is very low compared to the P4.
> 	I ran the 'sc1' test in /usr/src/test/sysperf.  The AMD box
> 	comes back at 242nS/loop while the P4 takes 1300nS/loop and
> 	the DELL box (LEAF/SMP) takes 617nS/loop.

When we do a port, you can use their new syscall/sysret instructions and it 
cuts syscall overhead to 1/4 what it is by using software ints.  This sounds 
real exciting for moving parts out of the kernel.
Craig Dooley										craig at xxxxxxxxxx
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