HEADS UP: Name change committed

Mike Porter mupi at mknet.org
Wed Nov 19 13:31:41 PST 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 19 November 2003 12:55 pm, Matthew Dillon wrote:
> :> I think that once DragonFly goes "production", users will want
> :> branches.  They'll want something like the freebsd-security
> :> (or maybe call it freebsd-safe) branch.
> :
> :I'm not sure that will be needed once we vfs layering is complete along
> :with the packaging system. All of the security updates can be pushed out
> :via a tagging inside the packaging system. Hence everything in the system
> :will have a tag on it. ex:
> :`whencefrom /bin/sh`
> :
> :"src/bin/sh/main.c  1.25
> :Not uptodate; current: 1.27
> :Download [Y/N]
>     Ok, I see what you are getting at.  I think we definitely want to
>     push security updates through the packaging system, but I think
>     that is a separate issue from cvs tagging.  In fact, security updates
>     to the base system via the packaging system could be driven from CVS.
> 						-Matt

I am pretty sure that the -security "branch" in FBSD is handled through CVS 
tags.  I guess if it comes right down to it, the entire *branch* is specified 
by a cvs tag.  Keeping those tags up-to-date could involve some work by the 
people running the show, but I can't see it being any more work than trying 
to have two separate source pools, and occasionally copy stuff between them 


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