Remove BIND, Sendmail, Perl and etc from base?

Richard Coleman richardcoleman at
Fri Jul 25 12:00:42 PDT 2003

Robert Garrett wrote:
It makes sense to use languages for what they are good at.
Perl is good for somthings, Awk others. As for the package 
management system. A good look at what is required of it
would be the first thing to do, then we can decide what 
tools to use to best accomplish that goal.
That's the problem.  Except for the corner cases, almost all of the 
popular scripting languages will do equally well for the types of 
programming we are discussing.  Religious issues aside, it doesn't take 
much sophistication from a language to be able to write an "adduser" 
script.  Life would be a lot easier if one of the languages really stood 
out among the crowd.

Richard Coleman

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