Remove BIND, Sendmail, Perl and etc from base?

Matthew Dillon dillon at
Thu Jul 24 19:55:18 PDT 2003

:But as I mentioned earlier, it doesn't really matter.  Someone (Matt)
:would just need to pick "anything" and bless it (put it in the base
:system).  Once the decision is made, then there should be a push
:to take advantage of it and "really" leverage the language for such
:tasks as user management, package system, build system, etc.
:Richard Coleman

    Well, I am a minimalist... I don't like using complex languages which
    are dependant on lots of source files and/or third party libraries as
    a basis for the really basic things in the system.   Case in point,
    look at the mess that needs to be installed to get something as basic
    as 'cvsup' working?

    I don't know if there is any real merit to this thread.  You can't really
    force particular languages onto people.  If the packaging system does its
    job it shouldn't matter what people prefer.  We aren't going to be
    adding more languages to the base system (or for base system builds)...
    what we are using already is already a bit over the top.  I am in no
    rush to remove anything either.

					Matthew Dillon 
					<dillon at xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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