How to start working on dragonflybsd

David Leimbach leimy2k at
Tue Jul 22 16:23:20 PDT 2003

On Monday, July 21, 2003, at 12:18AM, Matthew Dillon wrote:

:> cvsup dragonfly.cvsup
:> cd /usr
:> cvs -d /usr/dragonfly co src
:> cd src
:> make buildkernel

Hmmm... my "src" doesn't have a Makefile.. did I do something wrong?

I used the CVSup "CVS mirror method".

It probably won't matter much since I can't boot FBSD 4.8 anyway :)

:	Also, you will need to rebuild libkvm, ps, and top so that it
:	all works gravy! :-)
:		-- Hiten (hmp at xxxxxxxxxxx)
    libkvm, ps, top, systat, killall, sysctl (to add 64 bit quad int 
    fstat, vmstat, and probably a few others.  libkvm and ps are the
    main ones.

					Matthew Dillon
					<dillon at xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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