just curious

Gunther Nikl gni at gecko.de
Mon Jul 21 04:30:40 PDT 2003

Peter da Silva <peter-200306 at xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Gunther Nikl  wrote:
>>  In which way are the messages changed? Do you refer to ln_Type or some
>>  private data in an extended message?
> As I understand it the Dragonfly API allows for a message port to have any
> Send() function it wants, so for intra-address-space calls there's no reason
> to do anything but call the remote method directly or change a couple of
> pointers to put the message on a queue and return EASYNC. That means you
> could change the message (for example, adding more elements to a list)
> before it's actually read.

  And such things happened with messages on AmigaOS? I fail to see any
  benefit in doing so.


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