MESI Caching work start (was Re: caching and userapi)

Kip Macy kmacy at
Fri Jul 18 00:09:49 PDT 2003

>     Ah.  Oh.  *THAT* caching.  *THAT* caching is the MESI caching model
>     for object data!  It's pretty sophisticated but as a first incremental
>     step it represents implementing shared/exclusive ranged offset 'locks'
>     on VM Objects, like this (this is just my guess at the initial API,
>     all comments, ideas, and discussion is welcome!):

I may be taking this a step too far, but I had a random thought ...

At least on the surface, one of the major challenges of a clustered file
system performance is buffer cache coherency. Do you think that the
dragonfly model of cache coherency could cleanly extend to that?


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