Remove BIND, Sendmail, Perl and etc from base?

Thierry Herbelot thierry at
Tue Jul 22 14:32:46 PDT 2003

Matthew Dillon wrote:

>     The eventual goal is to make *ALL* userland applications, including
>     things like cp, ls, etc... all operate through the packaging system,
>     and remember that it is the packaging system's goal to support
>     installation of multiple versions of anything without conflict.

oh no ! please !

a fine-grained packaging system used for the core OS is just a pain : I'm
fed up with DeathTrap or Mandrake or Suse or .... with their thousands of
- how do you upgrade such a machine ? (with something intelligent like
portupgrade ? but there are lots of oldish shared libs left behind)
- how do you duplicate a machine ? (preferably with some automatic
procedure) after living some time, it's very difficult to know the smallest
set of base rpms you have to select to get the same install (with the other
packages going in via dependencies)

One big selling point of FreeBSD is the relative ease of configuration
description : get the full OS, then add a smallish number of outside


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