Preliminary restructuring layout (was Re: sys/ tree re-structuring proposal)

Jeroen Ruigrok/asmodai asmodai at
Sat Aug 9 00:04:18 PDT 2003

-On [20030809 07:12], Rik van Riel (riel at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:
>I haven't gotten around to updating that site in 2 years or so ;(

Well Rik, you're on of the better kernel hackers out there and you
should do what you do best, which is kernel hacking.

Stuff like documentation is always picked up by guys like me, who don't
have that natural streak of genius when it comes to programming.

Do note that I didn't try to belittle the site, because as I said to
Hiten, every bit of documentation is worthwhile since open source tends
to be ill-documented.  But from a technical writing point of view it
could use drastic help, hence my appreciation of Knapka's work.

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven <asmodai(at)> / asmodai
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