HEADS UP restructuring cvs surgery will happen at 2:00p.m. PDT, updates will be available at 3:00p.m.

David P. Reese Jr. daver at tombstone.localnet.gomerbud.com
Thu Aug 7 18:19:03 PDT 2003

In article <200308071929.h77JTqNb039251 at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Matthew Dillon wrote:


>     Some esoteric include file subdirectories have moved.  I recommend
>     regenerating them afer updating to ensure that any cruft is removed:
> 	rm -rf /usr/include
> 	cd /usr/src/include
> 	make install
> 						-Matt

This leaves out include files like math.h, termcap.h, etc... which are
parts of individual libraries.  I couldn't build world with just the
includes from /usr/src/include.  I would suggest something more like:

   rm -rf /usr/include
   mkdir /usr/include
	cd /usr/src && make installincludes

   David P. Reese Jr.                                      daver at xxxxxxxxxxxx

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