Hammer documentation

Thomas Nikolajsen thomas.nikolajsen at mail.dk
Tue Jul 15 19:36:45 PDT 2008

I think we should have a general introduction to Hammer for the release.

It could consist of:
 1) simple description of features
 2) simple examples of use

We already have a good deal of material in manual pages and Matts article.
But I don't think we have a general description of Hammer features in the manual pages;
it could go into mount_hammer(8) (mount(2) says FS info is in mount_FS(8)).
It should of course also go to our web site.

 - setting up disk: gpt, disklabel64 (or fdisk, disklabel)
 - formatting volumes: newfs_hammer
 - mount_hammer
 - snapshot
 - pruning
 - reblocking
 - adding volume
How can this be done?
When I just newfs_hammer another partition, it can't be mounted with existing: different fsid
 - mirroring

Is such a description already done?
Otherwise I will give it a try.


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