Maybe we can ...

Damian Vicino sdavtaker at
Mon Feb 4 17:58:36 PST 2008

Hey, I was reading this 
page( and it 
is pretty though for the new users to really get the sourcecode.
Supose a user coming from FBSD or Linux (notice i didnt say win32), 
never used CVS, hi just downloaded sourcecode from ftp or pkg_add or 
apt_get (because some app wanted it for dependency, or a driver).
So... What?
I think we should add 2 notes:
1) you can download
#mkdir /home/dcvs
or using your favorite browser/downloader agent.
2) if u dont have wget, you can install it:
#cd /usr/pkgsrc/net/wget
#bmake install clean

Or maybe some other alternative, i think maybe we can add sourcecode to 
pkgsrc (realeases only) and bmake DFBsd-src  install clean (still i 
wonder why InstallCD doesnt have the code anyway)
What u think about this?
Damian Vicino

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