dfly handbook suggestion...

Jeremy C. Reed reed at reedmedia.net
Fri Oct 14 17:06:55 PDT 2005


On Fri, 14 Oct 2005, John Leimon wrote:

I have modified the Building and Installing a Custom
Kernel page in the dfly to better suit new users.
Thank you for adding this docs.

I did not look specifically at your addition.

What did you base your update on? What URL?

We normally do the "doc" work on the original source as seen here: 

Please send me the URL of the original, and I will try to make a diff to 
find out what differences it has and then commit (as appropriate) to the 
XML files.

You may want to consider learning the doc build system if you'd like to 
assist more with this. Or please provide a "diff -u" for any further docs 
to submit.

Your time is appreciated.


 Jeremy C. Reed

 	  	 	 technical support & remote administration

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