Wiki-fying docs

Guillermo Garcia Rojas garciarojas at
Wed Jan 5 18:29:57 PST 2005

Today, I've finished the translation of the DragonFly FAQ to
Spanish. I believe its 99% accurate. The "Userland Threading" term 
was not translated an left as is. If someone finds a better form 
on translating this, go ahead. After all, that's what wiki is for :)

the FAQ is at:

the wiki site for

It would be nice to have a link from the DrafonFly project page to
this translated FAQ.

I have plans to send the translated FAQ to a Spanish Linux Magazine
to spread it on paper to all the spanish language community. 

Can I do that? How can I do it? I mean in license terms.
I was thinking on writing at the end of the FAQ: "translated from
the original FAQ placed on"
or something like that.

Suggestions and guidance are welcome.


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