Wiki and docs in cvs

Liam J. Foy liamfoy at
Tue Apr 5 11:14:22 PDT 2005

On Mon(04)/Apr/05 - , justin at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Here's a question...  It looks like the wiki is working well to encourage
> documentation additions.  It's lowered the "cost of entry" relative to
> using the FreeBSD docproj material.
> Should we look at a "release cycle", similar to what's happening with the
> software?  i.e. declare a few weeks of typo-fixing, and then move the
> documentation at that point into a separate copy, associated with that
> release of DragonFly?
> This way, documentation matches a particular release.  This may become
> more significant as more radical features get moved in...  There's also
> the bonus of regular cleanups for the docs.

Am behind you Justin. This is a great idea. Hope you can come up with some
structure to organise this idea.

I have seen many spelling mistakes in documentation, but a full PR for a simple
typo doesnt appeal to me. It simply takes too much time. (call me lazy)

However, the wiki will offer a much quicker way to change documentation. As long
as changes are regulated, I cannot see any problems.

Nice idea!

			- Liam J. Foy
			<liamfoy at xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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