new Wiki section

Raphael Marmier raphael at
Tue Apr 12 09:31:31 PDT 2005

Sascha Wildner wrote:
Raphael Marmier wrote:

Hi all,

I've just added a "Newsgroups and mailing lists FAQ" section to the Wiki.

I figured I would better create that section rather than to fit the 
small recipe I've written from newsgroup bits at some odd place.

I will try, time helping, to write other pieces, as I encounter them 
in my dragonfly experiments.

The recipe itself:
of course, edit/change as appropriate.




we do have a HOWTO category. See [[HOWTO/Mail Server]] for an example. I 
guess that would be appropriate for the Coredump thingy. Just move it to 
[[HOWTO/Coredump]] and add it to the HOWTO category (add 
[[Category:HOWTO]] to the bottom of it). Finally, add it to the HOWTOs 
on the main page.
This is done.

As for the Newsgroups FAQ, add [[Category:FAQ]] to the bottom of it to 
put it in the FAQ category. I plan on moving all FAQs to [[FAQ/*]] but 
that will require some work in our Wiki->main site conversion script 
(which depends on knowing the page names).
I'm not sure what to do with this. I've left the Newsgroup mailing list 
FAQ alone on the main page.

I'm new to wiki, this is my first ever contribution to a wiki actually.


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