the idea of setting up a chinsese website of dragonflybsd in China

bixuan jhxjh at
Tue May 11 22:30:29 PDT 2004

the dragonflybsd's webmaster is here?
"bixuan" <jhxjh at xxxxxxxxxxx> дÈëÓʼþ
news:40a1ace9$0$50171$415eb37d at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Dear Sirs:
>   It is my honor to introduce myself to you .I am from China and
> in bsd very
> much. By studying dragonflybsd,I find there has not been mirror of your
> in China. So I
> have an idea--to set up a mirror ,or a web of in chinese
> section. So I write
> to you and lookforward to getting reply from you !
>    btw, my email && MSNl:jhxjh at xxxxxxxxxxx
> Sincerely yours,
> bixuan
> May 12,2004

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