possibility of re-using POSIX specs for manual pages

Tim Wickberg me at k9mach3.org
Wed Jun 2 23:51:10 PDT 2004

Hiten Pandya wrote:
Mark Valentine wrote:

From: Jeroen Ruigrok/asmodai <asmodai at xxxxxx>
Date: Sat 31 Jan, 2004
Subject: Re: possibility of re-using POSIX specs for manual pages

-On [20040131 00:52], Mark Valentine (mark at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:

However, being able to just use portions of the text verbatim (with
the appropriate notice), e.g. when aligning something with the 
does save re-inventing the wheel and risking imperfect paraphrasing...

Does the notice have to be place in the AUTHORS section?  And how big is

Whoever follows up with the IEEE (Hiten seemed to be on the ball) will
presumably find out the precise requirements; all I can say is that they
didn't look too burdensome judging by what the Linux folks have released.

    Guys, hold your horses for now. :-)  I am gonna get in contact
    with Jacques Vidrine (nectar@) of Camp FreeBSD and coordinate
    this stuff with him.

        -- Hiten

Does this: http://www.opengroup.org/press/01jun04.htm
mean we have the go-ahead?
Tim Wickberg
me at xxxxxxxxxxx

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