possibility of re-using POSIX specs for manual pages

Mark Valentine mark at valentine.me.uk
Fri Jan 30 15:44:11 PST 2004

> From: Matthew Dillon <dillon at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Fri 30 Jan, 2004
> Subject: Re: possibility of re-using POSIX specs for manual pages

>     Hmmm.. I wouldn't call it a high priority.  It sounds like they are
>     using it as base material for documentation.   Our existing
>     documentation is not perfect, but it's still pretty good.

Yes, agreed - they sure needed it more than we do.  :-)

However, being able to just use portions of the text verbatim (with
the appropriate notice), e.g. when aligning something with the standard,
does save re-inventing the wheel and risking imperfect paraphrasing...



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