git: withpkgs buildworld - Refactor buildports, etc, integrate into build-all

Matthew Dillon dillon at
Sun Nov 5 21:56:04 PST 2023

commit 7bd2c16610f5e4e39036f65d81f3f841a93adc0d
Author: Matthew Dillon <dillon at>
Date:   Sun Nov 5 21:46:04 2023 -0800

    buildworld - Refactor buildports, etc, integrate into build-all
    * Refactor buildports into:
        buildportschroot	Create chrootable environment for dsynth using
    			the just-built world.
        buildports		Build dragonfly/base with dsynth in the chroot.
        installports	Install dragonfly/base with pkg (uses DESTDIR).
        cleanupports	Cleanup left-over mounts in the chrootable
        mountports		helper used by above targets.
        umountports		helper used by above targets.
    * The dports for dragonfly/base will be built inside a chroot created
      from the built world.  The chroot is created by doing a make
      installworld and (cd etc; make distribution) into a fresh directory
      tree called "/usr/obj/usr/src/world_x86_64/chroot/" (example path
      when building from /usr/src).
      Some additional setup is then done to make the chroot useful,
      including appropriate devfs, procfs, tmpfs, and null mounts.
      This allows dsynth to be run in the just-built world environment,
      albeit with the currently running kernel.  If there are conflicts
      between the new world and the currently running kernel the user will
      have to reboot into a new system before completing the dports steps.
    * Integrate the port building steps into build-all and install-all.
      build-all and install-all now also build and install the
      dragonfly/base meta dport and its dependant dports.
      NOTE: At the moment the pkg install at the end is left interactive.

Summary of changes:
 Makefile      |  12 +++++-
 Makefile.inc1 | 121 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 2 files changed, 105 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

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